
Business should be run with care for natural environment. That’s why we implement
a series of actions for the same of care for
sources of resources used in the production process.

Sewage and wastes

Impact on the environment

One of the missions of our Company is to run business in a sustainable way. We take care for all production stages of our products. We identify and monitor our actions that may have an impact on the environment. Following the path of sustainable development, we set long-term goals, implement programmes with the use of dedicated tools. Being a signatory of organisations supporting sustainable development in Poland and in the world, we actively promote their activity and make use of good practice and specialist knowledge.

Sewage and wastes

Sewage coming from the activity in the area of PCC Group in Brzeg Dolny go through a common sewer system to the On-Site Sewage Treatment Plant. Having undergone the process of mechanical, chemical and biological treatment, they are directed to the Odra river. Sewage generated by the production division in Płock are directed to the sewage treatment plant belonging to PKN ORLEN and having been purified in the mechanical, chemical and biological process the wastewater is directed to the Vistula river.

Total volume of sewage by the quality and the target destination

Our activity generates sewage that we try to limit at the very stage of design and production. Investments in modern technologies based on BAT assumptions tend to limit generated sewage and increase production at the same time. The waste management is also connected with the awareness of employees. It is created on the basis of internally established principles regulated by procedures and normative acts and trainings. We carry out selective wastewater storage in the appointed and labelled places and we provide wastes to entities that hold relevant permits required by the law. We meet the requirements and ensure reuse and recycling of packaging waste by the agreement with Branżowa Organizacja Odzysku S.A.

Total weight of wastes by type in 2017

Total weight of wastes by type in 2018

Total weight of wastes by type in 2017

Total weight of wastes by type in 2018


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