
Our dialogue with the stakeholders based on transparency and openness depends on specificity of their expectations and defined requirements.

Communication methods


The principles of a business strategy and the analysis of areas of direct and indirect influence of our activity on the environment enabled to distinguish 7 groups of stakeholders with whom we maintain a dialogue, taking into account their opinions and needs. The form of the dialogue with individual groups of stakeholders depends on the specificity of social environments they represent, and on their expectations towards our activity. The dialogue is used as an integral tool of building the strategy of sustainable development in the Company.

Communication methods

The principles of a business strategy and the analysis of area of direct and indirect influence of our activity enabled to distinguish 7 groups of stakeholders with whom we maintain a regular dialogue. The form of the dialogue with individual groups of stakeholders depends on the specificity of their expectations and defined needs. We use it as an integral tool of managing and building the strategy of sustainable development in the Company.

We improve systems of communication based on transparency, making use of accessible techniques of passing information and receiving feedback. It enables to build new and maintain existing relations with all groups of entities involved or interested in the activity of our Company.

Our dialogue with stakeholders

Our dialogue with Stakeholders is based on social and environmental challenges, crucial for the implementation of our business strategy. We improve the existing and proven channels of communication with the stakeholders and add new tools and methods of effective dialogue. Therefore, we are more aware of expectations concerning our Company and its activity. Defined expectations against trends in the market of surfactants not only show the direction of shaping our business strategy in the manner responding to the market needs but also enable to make next steps on the path to perfection, in accordance with the adopted idea of Sustainable Development.

Our commitment

In 2018 we will start implementing guidelines of AA1000 standard in order to strengthen cooperation with the stakeholders and build bigger trust to the Company.

Employees Customers Suppliers Shareholders and investors Institutions of state administration Local society Science
Direct meetings
Open days
Conferences, business trainings
Audits, Inspections
Telephone, e-mail
Internet, newspapers, TV
Social media

We have involved our stakeholders in the process of creating the report. Their expectations and opinions are a summary of the existing actions realised by our company and inspiration to plan next actions.

As part of the dialogue with the stakeholders, individual consultations have been conducted with leaders as regards areas that are crucial from the point of view of the Company and our sector of industry. In this way we have identified material issues that have been taken into account in the report.

Identification of key issues for our company

Thanks to the involvement of the stakeholders in the dialogue we get a collection of invaluable information. We identify the most important aspects of our activity and we are able to learn the list of strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of various social and business groups. Making use of this information, we plan actions that contribute to better management of our impact on the environment and management within the company. Key issues for our company selected in the course of the dialogue with the stakeholders have been presented in form of relevance matrix of issues.

Relevance matrix of issues for the company and its stakeholders


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