
Business should be run with care for natural environment. That’s why we implement
a series of actions for the same of care for
sources of resources used in the production process.


Impact on the environment

One of the missions of our Company is to run business in a sustainable way. We take care for all production stages of our products. We identify and monitor our actions that may have an impact on the environment. Following the path of sustainable development, we set long-term goals, implement programmes with the use of dedicated tools. Being a signatory of organisations supporting sustainable development in Poland and in the world, we actively promote their activity and make use of good practice and specialist knowledge.


Our Company is an essential element of the chain of global supplies of business tycoons acting in the area of detergents, personal hygiene products and cosmetics. Individual quality standards and requirements, price policy and supply conditions often constitute key areas of cooperation with the clients. Companies operating in the chemical industry think that profitable business being in conformity with the natural environment and good relations with the social surroundings is the key element of the strategy.

Involvement in environmental and social projects enable measurement, planning and supervision of our impact on the surroundings. In this way we have a chance to be rated by international prestigious business, scientific, ecological and social associations.

Our actions

Taking part in an international project called Carbon Disclosure Project, we counteract climate changes. One of prestigious initiatives in this area is widely comprehended reporting of emission of greenhouse gases and actions the aim of which is to reduce them on an international platform of CDP organization.

Achieving targets of CDP project, we are obliged to make an annual detailed emission report. Our balance sheet is assessed as regards quality and comprehensiveness.

Starting 2016, emission reports submitted in accordance with the guidelines of Greenhouse Gas Protocol are evaluated only based on a letter scale, from A to F. The report submitted by our Company has been evaluated positively by an international group of auditors and obtained B. As the average mark in the Supply Chain is D, our company obtained a very good result, being thereby among leaders of the best companies in Europe and in the world. Reporting data presented to CDP in 2017 concern 2016.

*CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) is a global non-profit organization cooperating with investors and companies, supporting actions developing sustainable economy, counteracting climate changes and protecting resources. GHG protocol – tool created by World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development used in accountancy in the scope of emission of greenhouse gases.

Progress in CDP project

Our long-term liabilities in the scope of emission:

Reduction of emission by 15% until 2020.

The main source of emission of CO2 in our Company comes from the production area which uses significant amounts of electric and thermal energy in technological processes. The limit for CO2 emission from this source oscillates at the level of 70% of total emission of CO2. Another 30% constitute emissions coming from external and in-house transport. Emissions connected with the administration are marginal and connected mainly with the use of municipal utilities.

Emissions of greenhouse gases

* Emisje z Zakresu 1(scope 1): emisje gazów cieplarnianych pochodzące bezpośrednio z obiektów i/lub pojazdów należących do raportującego przedsiębiorstwa
* Emisje z Zakresu 2(scope 2): emisje gazów cieplarnianych pochodzące ze zużycia energii nabytej przez raportujące przedsiębiorstwo (m. in. energii grzewczej i chłodniczej), a wyprodukowanej przez podmioty trzecie.

Inne emisje gazów cieplarnianych

*Data on greenhouse gases emissions for 2018 will be available in September 2018

Reporting on the international CDP platform, we are obliged to inform about annual progress related to the reduction of emission of greenhouse gases. The reduction level has been prepared on the basis of identifiable sources of emission and the company’s activity. Our key objective includes reduction in the consumption of electric energy and the use of thermal energy in production processes and means of transport used by us. Targets are achieved by way of implementation of relevant management systems and internal procedures concerning power management.

Emissions of greenhouse gases by ranges

Emissions of greenhouse gases

**Emissions from Range 2: emissions of greenhouse gases coming from the consumption of energy purchased by the reporting enterprise (e.g. heating and cooling energy) and produced by third parties

As part of Carbon Disclosure Project, we monitor the emission level of CO2 connected with transport. We make an annual stock-taking of emissions, including emissions related to transport in the whole cycle of purchase, production and sales. The scope of our analysis covers areas connected with transport of resources and materials for production, transport of produced goods and in-house transport.

Emission of co2 connected with transport of products and resources in 2018

CO2 [Mg] Road transport Rail transport Intermodal transport








Emissions of sulphur oxides and other significant air emissions in 2018


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