
Business should be run with care for natural environment. That’s why we implement
a series of actions for the same of care for
sources of resources used in the production process.

Actions for environmental protection

Impact on the environment

One of the missions of our Company is to run business in a sustainable way. We take care for all production stages of our products. We identify and monitor our actions that may have an impact on the environment. Following the path of sustainable development, we set long-term goals, implement programmes with the use of dedicated tools. Being a signatory of organisations supporting sustainable development in Poland and in the world, we actively promote their activity and make use of good practice and specialist knowledge.

Actions for environmental protection

The management of our organisation is supported by implemented systems which determine our operation and enable to optimise processes in area of the Company’s activity.

Producing and selling chemical surfactants, every day we touch the area of environmental protection. Achieving the objectives in the area of sustainable development strategy and assumptions of the implemented Management Systems, including the Environmental Policy, we reduce the negative impact on the natural environment. We talk openly about the principles of sustainable management of resources, operational risks and the protection of human health and life. We feel fully responsible for our actions, therefore our mission is to support pro-environmental attitudes among our employees and stakeholders, consisting in continuous deepening of knowledge and promotion of our values in various social environments related to our Company.

Marzena Matkowska

PCC EXOL SA Management Systems Representative

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Our long-term commitments include:

Minimisation of a negative impact on the environment
Being subject to independent audits, verifications and certifications
Development of pro-environmental awareness among our stakeholders
Selection of suppliers promoting sustainable use of natural resources in their actions

Responsible Care Program

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Responsible Care Program

Being the implementer of the Responsibility and Care Program, we actively participate in programs and meetings organized as part of the „I care for the Environment” campaign, which is a platform for the exchange of experiences in the field of environmental protection and process safety. It also allows you to get acquainted with the good practices of other implementers of the Responsibility and Care Program.


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We implement the OPTIMA program, which aims to provide the right level of security, order and order in the workplace, eliminate wastage as well as improve quality, optimize the implemented solutions and increase the satisfaction of employees. All activities undertaken within the scope of the program contribute directly or indirectly to counteracting adverse effects of our business activity on the environment.


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Our obligations under the „Responsible Care” program include practices aimed at continuous improvement of knowledge about the environment, effective use of resources and limiting the environmental impact of operations, transparency of results achieved in the environmental area and effective cooperation with the state administration in meeting legal requirements.


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By participating in the international Carbon Disclosure Project, we participate in combating climate change. One of the prestigious initiatives in this area is the broadly understood reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and activities carried out to reduce them on the international CDP platform.


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Belonging to the group of certified members of the RSPO organization, we support the implementation of activities aimed at promoting the use of palm oil, coming from such areas that do not contribute to the impoverishment of natural values or have any negative impact on the environment and ecosystems.


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As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, we promote activities including environmental protection based on a preventive approach to the natural environment, undertaking initiatives to promote the attitude of ecological responsibility, the use and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.


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When reporting our activities on the international ECOVADIS platform, we achieved the golden level of Corporate Social Responsibility, thus confirming our commitment to environmental protection and limiting the negative impact of our business operations.

OHSAS 18001

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OHSAS 18001

The certified occupational safety and health management system according to OHSAS 18001, among others, allows us to identify, supervise and minimize the risk of industrial accidents that directly affect the area of environmental management.

Our impact on the environment

We have implemented a series of internal regulations and procedures to ensure that applicable environmental standards are observed. In 2016 no violations of applicable laws were found, nor any administrative proceedings are pending against the Company in the scope of environmental protection, nor pecuniary penalty was imposed on the Company.

We use the environment in a sustainable manner and we make payments in this account in accordance with all applicable regulations. We plan investments in the existing department taking into account environmental aspects. In 2016 our input in investments directly connected with environmental protection was 6.9 million zloty, including investments connected with conversion and modernisation of construction facilities and technological installations as well as environmental fees and costs resulting from waste disposal.

Total outlays on environmental protection and investments by type g4-en31

Overall [mln zł]

Investment outlays related to with environmental protection [mln zł]

Cost and Fees [mln zł]

Waste disposal costs [mln zł]

Conformity with the law g4-dma g4-en29 g4-en34

We carry out regular monitoring of environmental aspects in accordance with IPPC permits granted. We keep a register of environmental complaints concerning impact on the environment. A defined method of conduct allows proper information flow and fast reaction to all reports and incidents. These assumptions have been specified in the internal procedures functioning as part of the environmental management system being in conformity with ISO 14001:2004 and in normative acts. Being an executor of Responsibility and Care Programme, we provide information about our impact on the environment and we evaluate effectiveness of actions conducted in relation to environmental protection.

*IPPC (ang. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control)




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