
Our success depends mainly on our employees. We are aware of the fact that with their full cooperation and commitment we will achieve our business goals.

Our relationships


As part of the adopted idea of corporate social responsibility and the promotion of an ethical culture, we have implemented a number of regulations applicable to all employees, subcontractors and business partners associated with our organization. Each document covering ethical issues in the Company is issued in at least two language versions: Polish and English.

Our relationships g4-dma g4-27

With regard to our work-life balance concept, we support our employees in their efforts to optimise the work-life balance. Our approach increases employees’ level of self-fulfilment and thus their satisfaction with their private and professional life. The main solutions that we promote within the work-life balance idea include:

the possibility of flexible working hours, which is particularly useful for employees with small children
improving professional qualifications and career development in accordance with interests and skills

As a responsible employer, we strive to provide our employees with the best conditions to improve their professional qualifications, free and transparent dialogue, as well as conditions allowing for maintaining life balance and development of passion.

The result of our activities is a number of initiatives addressed to all our employees, which are often cyclical programs, dedicated to both employees and their families.

Dialogue with employees

With a sense of responsibility towards our employees, we introduce uniform and systematized standards of internal communication, which allows us to build a common corporate culture. We implement and improve methods of efficient information flow and effective communication at various levels of the organization.

Our employees have the opportunity to communicate, initiate discussions, exchange knowledge and share experiences based on a variety of communication methods.

Meetings of employees at different levels of the organisation

During weekly organizational meetings of employees at different levels of the organization, we discuss the most important issues related to key areas of business, related to production processes, methodology of work, current tasks or aspects of employment and work safety.


In the PCC Intranet Group, the Intranet is the main place to publish all information on current events, successes achieved and information related to the Group’s life. It also acts as a library covering all necessary forms, documents, databases, handbooks and address books.

Newsletter PCC Chem News

As part of the PCC CHEM NEWS Information Bulletin published by the PCC CHEM NEWS Group, we systematically publish articles on current events, achieved successes and information related to the life of the Company. The Information Bulletin is entirely edited by the employees of the PCC Group, and its content is largely devoted to employee matters and initiatives.

Employees’ forum of the PCC Group

The Forum is a platform for exchanging current needs of employees and their opinions, sharing experiences and good practices in contacts with external stakeholders.

Ethics officers team

Each employee has the opportunity to consult with the Ethics Officer of their choice, any concerns that arise during the performance of their duties and in connection with the interpretation of the Code of Conduct or violations of the Code of Conduct.

My idea for…” initiative

„My idea for…”. is an initiative of PCC Group employees, developed and implemented within the OPTIMA Programme. The idea behind this initiative is to change our working environment for better and safer, and to introduce solutions that will allow us to perform our daily duties more effectively. The idea behind this initiative is to change our working environment for better and safer, and to introduce solutions that will allow us to perform our daily duties more effectively.


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