
Degree of commitment in the support organisation and support for various community and volunteering initiatives would not have been possible without a wide range of support from our employees.

Our Relationships

Local Community

We conduct our business taking into account the public interest, economic and environmental aspects. An important element in the development of our business strategy in this area is building the image of a socially responsible company. The implementation of our activities is based on the organization of pro-environmental actions and promotion of pro-environmental behaviors, as well as building a safe and friendly workplace.

Our Relationships 

A comprehensive approach to communication is manifested in initiating dialogue with stakeholders already at the stage of designing, implementation and completion of a given investment task or other operational activities. Such an approach ensures that the Company builds long-term relations with stakeholders, including the local community.


On the basis of established, long-term relationships, we maintain constant and transparent dialogue with the local community.

The dialogue is conducted through the representatives of employees of the PCC Group companies and is aimed at informing about possible risks, answering inquiries from residents or providing information on the results of monitoring the state of the environment.

In our communication we use a tool individually tailored to the type of issues raised by interested parties.

Open Day

The Open Day organised once a year within the PCC Group in Brzeg Dolny is an important element of dialogue with the local community and other stakeholders. The event is addressed mainly to the residents of Brzeg Dolny and the surrounding towns and enables independent acquaintance of interested parties with the specificity of the work of the entire PCC Group. During the Open Day, visits for visitors and discussion panels devoted to the development strategy of the PCC Group companies are organized.

Committee Meetings of the City Council

One of the representative ways of conducting dialogue with the local community is the participation, on behalf of the PCC Group companies, representatives of the management of the PCC ROKITA SA Safety and Prevention Bureau and the PCC ROKITA SA Environmental Protection Bureau in the meetings of the Commission acting at the Municipal Council in Brzeg Dolny. Meetings, held several times a year, are an opportunity to continue a transparent dialogue with local authorities and residents of the city. During the meetings, activities aimed at optimising the negative impact of the PCC Group companies’ operations on the environment and the local community are also determined.

Information Materials

The aim of the project is to distribute information in the form of printed leaflets, information posters, banners or press materials. The Internet has become an additional, significant communication channel, through which we build mutual relations, publishing necessary information on the Company’s website, or making current events available through accessible mobile technologies with the help of social media.


Taking into account the speed of response to threats, a special telephone number has been activated for the residents of the surrounding areas, which are in the direct range of the plant’s impact.

Comments and insights concerning our business, all residents can report via the available communication tools, including a dedicated helpline.

The handling helpline is operated by the Plant Dispatcher, who is obliged to verify each report and provide feedback to the reporting party upon completion of the investigation.

We achieve the planned business objectives, among other things, by building and developing relations with our stakeholders, based on transparent and uniform principles of communication.

Our Commitment

Based on transparent principles of communication activities, we will continue meetings


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