
Gaining new markets and discovering
the unknown business areas,
we promote sustainable chemistry
oriented towards rational use
of resources and care for the environment.

Investments and innovations

Our business

We are still trying to increase the value of our Company effectively using potential, innovations and resources. We hold a strong position of a top producer of surfactants in Poland and in Central and Eastern Europe. We gain new markets and discover unknown business areas. We promote sustainable chemistry oriented towards rational use of resources and care for the environment.

Investments and innovations


The company’s investment plans comprise continuation of commenced investment project in the scope of increasing volume of specialist products, improvement of profitability and accomplishment of new undertakings. Thanks to implemented innovations PCC EXOL S.A. consistently increases production capacities of its installations.

Currently the investment in Ethoxylates I investment is of the biggest importance which will result in the increase in production capacities by 15 thousand tons per year and introduction of new technologically advanced products in the offer. The investment comprises the construction of two installations of which the first one will be dedicated to the production of high molar alkoxylates for industrial sectors, such as industrial cleaning, production of paper and food processing. On the other installation high quality cosmetics and mild personal hygiene products (glycinates) will be produced. Jointly outlays incurred as part of this investment project amount to 6.7 million zloty since the beginning of its realisation. The investment is planned to be finished in 2020.

The Company’s investment plan for years 2018-2020 comprises projects with the total approximate value of 93 million zloty.

PCC EXOL Group does not limit its investment plans to current locations. It also notices growing potential of Asian region and a dynamic growth of chemical industry and inter-related industrial sectors. Therefore, in February 2017 Elpis, a company belonging to PC EXOL Group concluded an agreement with a Malaysian company, PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad. It concerns the project connected with initiated preparations for the commencement of a potential investment of producing alkoxylates in Malaysia, its accomplishment and conducting the activity in the basis of the principles of mutual undertaking. Moreover, on 8 March 2018 Elpis acquired 100% shares of PCC Oxyalkylates.



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