
Ethics is a part of culture in our organisation.
It influences effective business operation
based on all and any ethical standards towards
our customers and societies related to the areas of our activity.

Anti-corrupton policy

Ethics in the company

As part of our strategy of social business responsibility and promotion of ethical culture, we have implemented a series of rules to be observed by the employees, subcontractors and business partners connected with our organisation. Each document covering ethical issues in the Company is published in at least two language versions: in Polish and in English.

Anti-corrupton policy 

Conducting activity in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and the rules of corporate governance, we are oriented towards being in conformity with national and international anti-corruption laws. We reject all manifestation of corruption and abuse. We conduct our business activity in an honest, ethical and transparent manner. Anti-Corruption Policy implemented by the Management Board is a document that manifests rules and values in the area of preventing corruption included in the Code of Conduct in PCC EXOL S.A. It defines a series of rules connected with counteracting corruption and violation of the law presented in 4 fundamental areas:


Prohibition of corrupt practices


Rules for accepting gifts, services or other forms of courtesy


Rules for giving gifts, services or other forms of courtesy


Conflict of interest

Anti-Corruption Policy is a document introduced in the Company by the Resolution of the Management Board and applies to all employees of the Company.

In 2017 PCC EXOL S.A. also prepared and implemented Fraud Prevention Policy to support our organisation in effective protection of reputation and assets of the Company and consistent increase of its value. The Policy is in conformity with the rules provided for in the Code of Conduct in PCC EXOL S.A. It applies to all cases of abuse and situations in which there is a risk of abuse.

It is the management of the Company that is responsible for building work environment free from any abuse, detection and prevention of abuse and minimisation of their negative influence. Every manager of an organisational unit should be sensitive and alert to any signs of improprieties, occurrence of untypical events and violation of the rules of conduct in the area of their responsibility.

In case of justified suspicion of abuse or similar events connected with the activity of PCC EXOL S.A. each employee is obliged to immediately report such suspicions directly or through their superior. Reports of abuse can be anonymous and the employees making reports in good faith are protected against any forms of retaliatory actions. Apart from a face-to-face meeting, both external and internal stakeholders of PCC EXOL S.A. can report any abuse in a safe and effective manner by sending correspondence to the following address:

The Management Board Office
PCC Exol SA,
Sienkiewicza Street 4,
56-120 Brzeg Dolny, Poland,

In case of a suspected abuse, appropriate measures are taken forthwith to gather information that will enable to establish whether the abuse has actually occurred and to conduct explanatory proceedings for the purpose of making proper classification of a given event. If the abuse occurred, relevant actions are taken, including initiation of disciplinary measures and actions preventing the occurrence of similar events in the future. In justified cases relevant prosecution authorities are informed.

In 2018 we registered no cases of corruption or abuse,
nor any court case connected with these areas was pending against the Company.

Our commitments:

Our aim is to eliminate the risk of corruption and abuse in the next years.


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